Daily Wink No 22

Wink #22

Welcome to Wink by Don't Forget To Blink! Your daily dose of all things Solana Blinks. Stay informed, stay connected, and never miss a beat in the ever-evolving world of Solana. If you’d like to support us make a donation via our blink.

SEND Arcade just launched the first of many games playable via blinks called Checkmate. Checkmate is the first-ever community chess game on Twitter/X, powered by Solana Blinks and cNFTs. Each player makes a move as Black or White. You play with SOL. If your team wins, earn SEND. The bet amount is calculated based on your side's winning odds. Higher winning odds → Higher bet amount. You also receive an NFT for every move played!

This blink allows you to accept tips or donations from anyone, in SOL or any SPL token. You can enter your wallet address or referral code as the target and micro-donations are affordable thanks to the innovative treasury accounts in our referral/rewards protocol. Support your favorite creators!

TermiX is an AI powered Web3 Operating system. They launched a blink that can be used to make prompt based transactions. So you could literally type in “Buy 0.1 SOL of BONK” and your wallet pops up with the transaction details. Pretty convenient if you ask me.

Luna AI is an AI crypto assistant on Solana. They launched a no-code blink generator that can be used to customize, create and host Blinks.

We wrote a thread of ideas we’d like to see built at the Radar Hackathon. You can check that out below.

To celebrate crossing 300 followers on X we launched an NFT blink via 3rd land. Check it out and mint.

This is the minesweeper game via Solana Blinks.

Wink of the Day

Today's Wink: SEND Arcade

Why it's special: Play chess with your friends and win $SEND and a couple of attendance NFTs? Sign me up!

How to enable blinks

Build a Blink tutorial

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Thank you for reading Wink by Don't Forget To Blink. Stay tuned for more updates and insights tomorrow!

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