Daily Wink No 19

Wink #19

Welcome to Wink by Don't Forget To Blink! Your daily dose of all things Solana Blinks. Stay informed, stay connected, and never miss a beat in the ever-evolving world of Solana. Want to win $1000 worth of $BILLY? Sign up via this blink. If you’d like to support us make a donation via our blink.

EnsoFi is a decentralised peer-to-peer cross-chain lending platform, giving users the ability to lend on one chain while collateralizing on other chains at a Mutually Agreeable Interest Rate. They’ve have blinks support so you can lend, buy a boosting pass for trading via blinks.

Solr Network is a token creator site. You can now create tokens via blinks on X or wherever blinks are supported.

Roast chicken is a Solana memecoin that has launched blinks support. You can now get $ROAST via blinks on X. NFA!

To celebrate crossing 100 followers on X we launched an NFT blink via 3rd land. Check it out and mint.

Cointools is an online crypto toolbox. It’ s a convenient blockchain tool for the majority of cryptocurrency enthusiasts to meet various needs. The launched a No-Code blink builder that is super easy to use and very normie friendly.

Memey lets you generate meme NFTs using a prompt. Very cool and fun blink.

We’ve covered them before when the product wasn’t live but now it is. Create a blink for any SPL token, share and earn referral fees. Use our blink to swap $WIF here.

Wink of the Day

Today's Wink: Cointools

Why it's special: Big fan of anyone building No-Code tools for non-technical folks to be able to make their own blinks.

How to enable blinks

Build a Blink tutorial

Upcoming Events

  • Superteam Germany is hosting a live blink building session tomorrow.

  • Your event here. Contact Us.

Thank you for reading Wink by Don't Forget To Blink. Stay tuned for more updates and insights tomorrow!

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