Daily Wink No 18

Wink #18

Welcome to Wink by Don't Forget To Blink! Your daily dose of all things Solana Blinks. Stay informed, stay connected, and never miss a beat in the ever-evolving world of Solana. Want to win $1000 worth of $BILLY? Sign up via this blink. If you’d like to support us make a donation via our blink.

Arkenstone is a platform for launching tokens without having to write a single line of code. They are airdropping their token via blinks! If you’re on the WL you should be able to claim the airdrop in a blink.

Predify is the world’s first prediction market powered by memecoins. They now have blinks supported. Bet via a blink and keep track of your bet on their platform.

We found this game on the dialect blinks directory and it’s really cool.

To celebrate crossing 100 followers on X we launched an NFT blink via 3rd land. Check it out and mint.

BlinkFlip.fun is a fun and innovative game where you can bet your Solana (SOL) for a chance to win more SOL. How it works? Connect Your Wallet > Place Your Bet: Decide how much SOL you want to bet > Flip: Click the ‘Flip’ button to play the game and see if you win. Think Degencoinflip meets blinks.

This blink lets you burn scam tokens & get SOL back. Burn 10 scam tokens at a time and earn ~0.002 SOL per token.

Wink of the Day

Today's Wink: Solana Pixel War

Why it's special: Cool game you should definitely play.

How to enable blinks

Build a Blink tutorial

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