Daily Wink No 16

Wink #16

Welcome to Wink by Don't Forget To Blink! Your daily dose of all things Solana Blinks. Stay informed, stay connected, and never miss a beat in the ever-evolving world of Solana. If you’d like to support us make a donation via our blink.

Blinks on discord🤯🤯. You can now use blinks via D-Blinks App by NFTWidi. Love to see blinks evolve beyond X/Twitter.

If you have staked 100m bonk upwards. There is some $SEND for you to claim.

3rd Land is giving away 5k SEND via blinks. Tap In.⬇️

SEND Airdrop for Blinks Devs, Creators and other Solana Talent Communities.

There was a bounty on Superteam Earn for people to create easy guides for others who want to make blinks. The top 3 guides are now out there for anyone interested in shipping blinks

To celebrate crossing 100 followers on X we launched an NFT blink via 3rd land. Check it out and mint.

We saw this blink from the Fastmind on the dialect blinks registry. You stake $20 in a pool and join the change to win $500 by running at least 1km daily. Cool way to get people to form health habits.

Memecoin launcher lets you create a token via blinks. We’ve seen blinkdotfun but it’s good to know they don’t have a monopoly on that and we definitely prefer their product to this.

Token get your telegram group with a blink. Not entirely sure how this works but it seems like a cool find and we’d definitely revisit when we get more info.

Bonkrewards have added blinks support. You can now lock BONK via blinks on X.

Wink of the Day

Today's Wink: Blink Guides

Why it's special: It’s cool to test stuff. It’s even cooler to build stuff. And in Marc Andreessen’s words It’s time to build!

How to enable blinks

Build a Blink tutorial

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Thank you for reading Wink by Don't Forget To Blink. Stay tuned for more updates and insights tomorrow!

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